The Benefits of a Sugar-Free Diet

The Benefits of a Sugar-Free Diet

A sugar-free diet, as the name suggests, is a diet that limits all added sugar from desserts, snack bars, and other foods containing sugar. It may also include eliminating high-carb foods like fruits and grains, which may be healthy but also high in natural sugar. What are the benefits of following a sugar-free diet? 1. Weight maintenance A sugar-free diet is popular predominantly because it supports healthy weight. The diet encourages you to give up foods with high-carb content as well, which means you will be eating whole and unprocessed food that is healthy. This means cutting down on sugar. 2. Better skin Skin health tends to improve when you follow a sugar-free diet. Since there is less insulin produced, the function of collagen is not affected. When you eat too much sugar, it can trigger your body to produce more insulin, which causes inflammation and breaks down elastin and collagen in your skin. Sugar, on digestion, binds to the collagen, disrupts its functionality, and increases the risks of skin problems and wrinkles. 3. Stable energy levels A sugar-free diet can keep you energized. High-sugar foods contain a high GI or glycemic index, which leads to blood sugar spikes and a sudden rise in energy levels.
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Natural Skin Care Products with Superfoods

Natural Skin Care Products with Superfoods

Superfoods contain nutrients that are beneficial for the skin and other parts of the body. But, it is often difficult to get these superfoods, or even if you get them, remembering to eat them can become a chore. Wouldn’t it so much easier if these ingredients were just there in the retinue of products you use on a daily basis? Here are some products that contain superfoods for natural skincare that you can work into your daily life and benefit from: 1. Elemis Superfood Facial Oil This product contains multiple superfoods for natural skincare. It has a mix of flaxseed, broccoli, cucumber, macadamia, and daikon radish, all of which are rich in nutrients that are beneficial for the skin. Omega-3 is one of the major ingredients in this oil and is well-known for its skin-nourishing property. The oil can be applied on the face daily to create glowing skin. 2. One Love Skin Savior Balm Skin Savior is an organic skin balm. It has chia seed extract that is good for the skin. This balm also uses coconut oil and mango butter, both of which have properties beneficial for the skin. It is a multi-tasking balm that not only nourishes the skin but can also be used as a foundation.
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Common Trigger Foods for GERD

Common Trigger Foods for GERD

GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease is an exceedingly common condition that causes a great deal of discomfort and irritation. In this condition, the stomach acid flows to the food pipe (esophagus) and causes heartburn. Diet and nutrition play a crucial role in the development of GERD, also popularly referred to as acid reflux. Here is a list of common trigger foods for GERD that you should stay away from to prevent an acid reflux episode: 1. Coffee and tea Coffee and tea are the two most widely consumed beverages all over the world. However, they are also cited as the trigger foods for conditions such as GERD. The high content of caffeine in these beverages makes them options that aren’t ideal for those suffering from this condition. The consumption of tea or coffee causes acid reflux and heartburn as they exacerbate the symptoms. Experts always recommend cutting down their consumption for preventing acid reflux from worsening. 2. Alcohol There is no denying that regular alcohol consumption can increase the risk of developing a life-threatening disease such as esophageal cancer. In the short term, it can trigger GERD symptoms. Consuming alcohol may cause stomach acid to irritate the tissues in the esophagus and avoiding or reducing its consumption is an effective way to stop GERD symptoms from worsening.
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Dealing with Trigger Foods for Migraine Patients

Dealing with Trigger Foods for Migraine Patients

Certain trigger foods can cause a migraine attack if consumed. The best way to deal with trigger foods is to avoid them. However, it requires a lot of time and effort to identify foods that are triggers for migraines. By a process of elimination, it is possible to identify which foods trigger a migraine attack and avoid their consumption. Elimination is a better approach than to suddenly stop eating some foods as the body needs time to adjust to changes in the diet. In this article, we discuss how to deal with a situation where foods trigger a migraine and how to prevent migraine attacks: 1. Dealing with alcohol Among the various trigger foods for migraines, the most common one is alcohol, and red wine is typically believed to trigger an attack. Different alcoholic beverages cause different reactions in those with migraine. One should identify, by elimination, which beverage triggers an attack and avoid consuming it. Even otherwise, limiting alcohol consumption is good for overall health. In case you experience a migraine attack after consuming alcohol, the medication prescribed by the doctor should be taken immediately to get relief from symptoms. Also, keep in mind that not taking medication can aggravate the problem.
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Pros and Cons of the Whole30 Diet

Pros and Cons of the Whole30 Diet

Introduced by Dallas Hartwig and Melissa Hartwig, the Whole30 diet plan is now among the most trending diet plans. It helps recalibrate your taste buds and helps in controlling cravings for unhealthy food. It is a very strict diet, and even a single cheat day or the consumption of one food on the “not allowed” list means you will have to start from scratch. The Whole30 diet focuses on improving lifestyle habits like sleeping habits, high and energetic routines, psychological health, and weight gain issues. It is a complete package for overall health and discourages focus only on weight loss. This 30-day diet plan restricts your eating habits. After 30 days, the other foods or food groups can be reintroduced into your diet slowly. Also, any changes in health or otherwise can be noted to record any allergic reactions or other effects of the food. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of the Whole30 diet plan: 1. Pros of the Whole30 diet Many participants in the Whole30 diet report the following benefits: Encourages the intake of natural food The Whole30 diet appreciates the intake of natural and unprocessed food, which helps improve health as well as achieve weight loss goals.
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How to Keep Your Lawn Naturally Healthy

How to Keep Your Lawn Naturally Healthy

If you want to maintain a lush green lawn, then you must take some measures to keep it healthy. As with the rest of your home, your lawn requires regular maintenance. A lush, green lawn can indeed make your home look attractive. According to a few studies, homeowners in the country use more than 3 to 3.5 million tons of synthetic fertilizers on their lawn. This often leads to pollution in local water bodies. That’s why, you may want to check out some of the natural ways to keep your lawns healthy, with these natural lawn care tips: 1. Selecting the right sort of grass You must select the right variety of grass for your front lawn. This is perhaps one of the most important natural lawn care tips. Some varieties of grass may not tolerate extreme temperatures; some may not be able to grow lush, under constant sun exposure while other varieties may require direct sunlight to reach optimal growth. There are a few varieties that find it hard to thrive in wet conditions. That’s why you need to research a bit and choose the appropriate variety for your front lawn. If you have children and/or pets, especially dogs, your lawn is likely to see heavy foot traffic.
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Diet and Natural Treatments for Dry Eyes

Diet and Natural Treatments for Dry Eyes

Dry eye syndrome or keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS) is a condition that affects millions of Americans. Though it’s not life-threatening and rarely results in loss of vision, it impacts your life, work, and daily functioning to a greater or lesser effect. Incidentally, apart from humans, the syndrome affects certain breeds of dogs and some cats as well. For most people, the first reaction is to seek advice and assistance from a professional healthcare service provider. The procedure is to observe the symptoms, identify the underlying causes if any, and prescribe medication. While this certainly offers relief, it’s important to also understand that there are many home remedies, lifestyle, diet modifications, and natural treatments for dry eyes that can alleviate the symptoms and prevent further occurrence. 1. Symptoms and prognosis for dry eyes Dry eye is a highly symptom-based disease or condition. As a result, the approach is to assess the symptoms carefully and grade them by the level of severity. It is usually done by giving the patient a questionnaire such as the McMonnies and Ho questionnaire. Typical symptoms that are experienced include: Dryness Itching Burning sensation Stinging feeling Blurred vision Feeling of sand or grit in the eyes Tiredness or fatigue Redness Pulling sensation or pain behind the eyes Stringy discharge Excessive watering occurs in some cases Poor quality of tears Blocked lacrimal glands Prognosis or the likely outcome of this condition depends on several factors.
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Alternative Therapies for Atopic Dermatitis

Alternative Therapies for Atopic Dermatitis

Conventional therapies for the treatment of eczema involve the use of corticosteroids and antihistamines. Avoidance of allergy triggers (i.e., certain foods, environmental irritants, etc.) may also be recommended by your doctor. If you are concerned about the side effects of chemicals, when it comes to atopic dermatitis natural treatments (used with doctor supervision) can be helpful. Let’s take a look at various alternative therapies for the treatment of atopic dermatitis: 1. Wet wrap therapy While for atopic dermatitis natural treatment can be beneficial, alternative therapies like the wet wrap therapy work as well. This therapy has been found by studies to be helpful in reducing the symptoms of atopic dermatitis. This therapy involves using wet wraps on the body. After bathing and applying a moisturizer, gauze or fabric strips dipped in water can be applied on the affected areas. This helps to keep these areas moisturized and prevents them from drying. This wet wrap can be left on the skin for many hours. However, you must be careful as wrap must not be used over steroidal creams. 2. Phototherapy One of the alternative therapies for the treatment of atopic dermatitis is phototherapy or light therapy. There are two ways this can be done.
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Home Remedies for Atopic Dermatitis

Home Remedies for Atopic Dermatitis

When you suffer from eczema, it is natural to look for medications to treat the condition. However, there are some home remedies for atopic dermatitis that can help relieve many of the symptoms and give you temporary relief. Such home remedies for atopic dermatitis can lessen inflammation, infections, and soothe cracked and itchy skin. Eczema affects more than 30% of the population in the country, both grown-ups, and kids. Eczema can be treated with moisturizers that are designed to help prevent flare-ups. While there is no definite cure for this condition, the symptoms will usually get better as you age. The available treatments can only help you manage the symptoms better. The main treatments for atopic dermatitis can be either moisturizers or anti-inflammatories that reduce itching, redness, and swelling. Both these treatments are used directly on the affected skin and are in the form of ointments or creams. There are also some popular home remedies that are known to work for eczema patients. However, it is wise to consult a doctor before you start these: 1. Natural moisturizers Many natural moisturizers can be as effective as over-the-counter ointments. For instance, coconut oil is believed to be one of the best home remedies for eczema.
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Home Remedies for Cough and Cold

Home Remedies for Cough and Cold

Dealing with common cough and cold is not an easy feat. The runny nose, sneezing, and persistent coughing often takes days to go away. Most people take a slew of over-the-counter medications and syrups to relieve their discomfort. However, there are other safer and more effective options for relieving the symptoms associated with cold and cough. Given below is a list of the most helpful home remedies for cough and cold that you can use to get back to your healthier self: 1. Gargle Gargling with salt water is an age-old remedy to get relief from cough and the symptoms of a cold. It helps combat the soreness in the throat by eliminating the bacteria. By gargling, you can loosen the mucus accumulated in the throat, and it also helps you ease your discomfort from persistent cough by moistening the throat. For the perfect solution, add a pinch of salt to a glass of lukewarm water and gargle with it multiple times a day for better results. 2. Ginger tea Ginger tea is among the most potent home remedies for cough and cold. The high nutritional value of ginger makes it a remarkably effective ingredient for curing cough. By drinking ginger tea, you will be able to remove the irritants from the upper respiratory system and significantly reduce coughing.
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