Triggers and Prevention for Heartburn

Triggers and Prevention for Heartburn

GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease refers to a condition where the stomach contents keep moving back into the food pipe or esophagus. This regurgitation is long-term and may cause discomfort, which is commonly called heartburn. You are likely to experience pain in your upper belly region and a burning sensation in the chest, and the severity of the condition depends largely on your diet and lifestyle. If you avoid foods that are not good for heartburn and follow some dietary guidelines, it is possible to alleviate the symptoms. However, the same foods might not trigger the symptoms in everyone, so it is necessary to identify the trigger foods for heartburn and avoid them. Here are some common food triggers for heartburn: 1. High-fat foods Oily and high-fat food will cause the stomach muscles to relax, causing reflux. Fatty foods also tend to sit around the stomach for a longer time, forcing the stomach to release more acids and irritating your digestive system. For example, you need to avoid high-fat cookies, regular corn, chocolates, brownies, doughnuts, fried foods, creamy salad dressings, and such. 2. Calcium-rich foods Foods like milk or cheese are excellent sources of saturated fats and may cause acid reflux.
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Foods to Avoid with Schizophrenia

Foods to Avoid with Schizophrenia

Diet plays an important role in the treatment of schizophrenia. There are certain foods for schizophrenia that can aggravate the symptoms of the disease and others that might help those affected by the condition. Foods that worsen the symptoms of this disease should be avoided at all costs. The following foods could cause problems for those suffering from schizophrenia and need to be avoided to prevent worsening of the symptoms. However, it is important to note that these foods may not lead to the same effects for everyone. It is important to know which ones out of these cause problems so that their consumption can be moderated or they can be completely avoided: 1. Gluten Many people who suffer from schizophrenia are intolerant to gluten. They may be allergic to gluten and consuming food with gluten can cause allergies, so it is best to avoid bread, wheat, rye, and all the foods with gluten. 2. Sugar Sugar can cause problems for those with schizophrenia, whether it is added to food or is consumed in the form of sugary foods and drinks, so avoiding sugar is advisable. Pastries, beverages containing sugar, candies, and other such food items should be avoided. 3.
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Foods to Help Manage Asthma and Allergies

Foods to Help Manage Asthma and Allergies

The foods to manage asthma and allergies must provide nutrients that help keep the body healthy and fit. This is because a healthy body has a strong immune system that can fight allergies in a better way. The foods listed in this article are beneficial for asthma and allergy patients and also boost the immune system. A healthy diet is very important, and these foods help manage allergies and the symptoms of asthma: 1. Vitamin-rich foods While planning a diet with foods to manage asthma and allergies, including vitamins is essential. Foods rich in vitamins help in alleviating the symptoms of asthma and improving overall health. Vitamin A can help in reducing the symptoms of asthma, especially in children. Carrots, broccoli, spinach, kale, and sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin A and must be made part of the diet. Vitamin D, on the other hand, can help in reducing the symptoms of an allergic or asthma attack. Foods rich in vitamin D, like milk and milk products, salmon, and eggs, should also be included in the diet, but they should not be consumed if you are allergic to them. 2. Fruits and vegetables Any balanced diet needs to include fresh fruits and vegetables as they are rich in nutrients.
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Fruit and Vegetable Snacks for Gout

Fruit and Vegetable Snacks for Gout

You must have heard about the benefits of following a low-purine diet if you suffer from gout, and you might have also heard about the importance of fruits and vegetables when it comes to gout. Which fruits and vegetables are safe to eat and which ones have low purine content is important to know. The following guide will throw some light on which fruits and vegetables are healthy snacks for gout and help manage the symptoms: 1. Fruits for gout Fruits are one of the best types of healthy snacks for gout. However, all fruits are not created equal, so your focus should be on eating fruits that have high fiber content, like: Bananas, which are low in purine and high in fiber. Plums, and pears with their peels. Also, include fruits like grapes and raspberries in your diet as they are rich sources of flavonoids, which can help lessen the discomfort you feel due to gout. Some of the best choices of fruits with low purine levels are apples, kiwifruit, grapes, and oranges. Dates also have low purine content (less than 50 milligrams of uric acid per 100 grams) making them good snack options. Avoid or limit consuming dry fruits because they are usually high in purine.
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The Effects of a High-Cholesterol Diet

The Effects of a High-Cholesterol Diet

Cholesterol is a type of lipid required for building healthy cells in the body. When the cholesterol levels pass a certain threshold, they can lead to serious health risks that can also turn fatal if left unchecked. The effects of high cholesterol may not be evident or even immediate, but it can lead to fatalities in the long run. Some complications of following a high-cholesterol diet can be treated or prevented. Yet it is important to clearly understand what exactly these are before taking action against them. The following are all consequences of following an unhealthy dietary lifestyle: 1. Atherosclerosis This refers to the build-up of cholesterol, calcium, fats, or other substances inside the arteries. Blood vessels get narrow and harden, reducing, and sometimes even restricting, blood flow, which can turn fatal. Sometimes, atheroma formed due to such buildups can rupture and cause blood clots that can have serious effects on the body. Complications due to atherosclerosis can also lead to heart attacks and strokes. 2. Peripheral vascular diseases Similar to how blocked arteries can lead to heart attacks and strokes, they can lead to peripheral vascular diseases that result in certain cases with amputation of limbs. People who smoke significantly increase their chances of developing such peripheral vascular diseases.
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The Risks of Following a Keto Diet

The Risks of Following a Keto Diet

The keto diet plan is not for everyone because it has certain risks that must not be overlooked when researching and deciding to take it up. Keto is a high-fat and low-carb diet that helps you convert fats into energy, making you lose a lot of weight quickly. It makes the body enter a stage called ketosis, which is the body’s metabolic adaptation for survival. The body starts to break down ketones that are produced by the liver from fats instead of breaking down glucose or sugar from carbs. To arrive at this stage of ketosis, you will need to follow a diet with 75% of your total calories from fats through foods like dairy products, fatty fish, meat, oils, butter, low-carb vegetables, seeds, and nuts. Here are some side effects of following this diet : 1. Keto flu There are reports of people becoming affected by the keto flu in the initial stages of beginning a keto diet. This may be accompanied by gastrointestinal distress, lethargy, fatigue, and nausea. This lasts only for a few days, but as many as 25% of the people who start a keto diet can go through these symptoms. Fatigue is the most common side-effect because the body is drained of sugar for burning energy and must start using fat.
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Risks of a Low-Carb Diet

Risks of a Low-Carb Diet

Is a low-carb diet the best answer to obesity? The European Society Of Cardiology Congress, Germany, recently pointed out in their research that low-carb diets can end up heightening the risk of premature death. The risk of death from conditions like strokes, cancer, and coronary heart disease also increased. So, it is being argued that a low-carb diet is perhaps not the right way to go when it comes to losing weight. Research has also found that a low-carb diet may be beneficial for losing weight in the short-term, but it is harmful in the long term and can be the cause of death from cerebrovascular and cardiovascular ailments. It may be because people eliminating carbs from their meals were instead binging on high-fat foods. Carbs are the primary sources of energy for the human body, and in their absence, the body will start breaking down fat to produce ketones. These ketones become the main source of energy and the body enters the state of ketosis, becoming a fat-burning machine. The dangers of following a low-carb diet may include: 1. High cholesterol levels There are protein sources like whole dairy foods, fatty foods, and fatty meat cuts that can increase LDL or bad cholesterol levels in the blood, triggering heart-related ailments.
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Snack tips for cancer patients

Snack tips for cancer patients

Chemotherapy, radiation, medications, and other cancer treatments are known to fight the disease, but they may also destroy healthy cells in the body, causing a variety of physical and emotional changes and resulting in weakened immunity. Treatment programs adopt a multi-disciplinary approach that also involves dietitians as diet and nutrition are also important aspects of recovery, disease-management, and well-being. A balanced and nutritious diet helps patients regain their health and strength, gain weight, handle the side effects of treatment, recover fast, improve immunity, and resume a normal routine as far as possible. Many cancer patients find it difficult to maintain a regular schedule and/or eat a full meal. Smaller portions at more frequent intervals and snacks for cancer patients help combat loss of appetite and eating problems, as follows: 1. Appetite changes often follow cancer treatment Appetite helps monitor the body’s energy intake and manage metabolic needs. The process is controlled by two major hormones, leptin and ghrelin, which decrease and increase hunger, respectively. Diseases like cancer and their treatment can affect a patient’s desire for food, causing fatigue and emotional distress. 2. Stress The side effects of cancer treatment are highly individualized in nature and can vary drastically from patient to patient.
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Great Packaged Snacks for Diabetes

Great Packaged Snacks for Diabetes

Having diabetes doesn’t mean all packaged food is to be avoided. Yes, a majority of the diet should be filled with healthy food that is not processed and packaged. However, every so often, packaged food is fine as long as it is not unhealthy. If you’re taking prescription medications like repatha, praluent, and lipitor to treat your diabetes, a healthy diet can be a great way to keep blood sugars stable. Here are some packaged snacks for diabetes that are ideal for a cheat day with minimal harm: 1. SUNCHIPS® Harvest Cheddar® Flavored Whole Grain Snacks Chips tend to usually be high in fat and carbs. These, on the other hand, add up to only 140 calories per serving, of which carbs account for only 19gms. The chips contain whole grain corn and wheat, and the combination makes for a filling mix that is both spicy and savory. 2. Orville Redenbacher’s SmartPop Popcorn Loved by almost everyone, popcorn by Orville Redenbacher makes for an amazing choice as a snack for diabetes. The snack is 94% fat-free, meaning you get to enjoy butter popcorn with fewer calories and less fat. The popcorn is whole grain and promises to fulfill 14% of your daily fiber requirements.
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After-School Snacks for Kids

After-School Snacks for Kids

Preparing food for children is always a daunting task. More so when they have just spent hours in a mentally taxing environment and return home physically exhausted as well. As kids are inherently bundles of hyperactive energy, they need a special kind of snack to be able to recharge and refresh them after a tiring day at school. Given here are a couple of ideas and foods that make the best after-school snacks for kids: 1. Frozen grapes Grapes are known as storehouses of antioxidants, which is perfect to recharge children’s energy after a day of running around at school. In addition, when frozen, the chillness gives an additional stimulation and helps deal with exhaustion. Not to mention that it is extremely healthy and can replace a lot of junk food in a kid’s diet. 2. Hard-boiled eggs Boiling an egg concentrates the proteins and packs a punch of energy, making it a great after-school snack for kids. It can also be prepared beforehand and stored, which comes in handy when children are cranky with hunger. A hard-boiled egg can provide a burst of protein-packed energy, any day of the week. 3. Baby carrots, cut cucumbers, and assorted veggies This is a snack with bite-sized picks and is fun to eat as well as light and healthy for kids.
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