How to Keep Cats Safe and Healthy

How to Keep Cats Safe and Healthy

When it comes to cleaning products for cat owners, veterinarians provide certain warnings that you must pay heed to. Vets feel that most pet owners are not aware of how toxic everyday household items can be for their pet cats. It is a fact that several regular products can wreak havoc on your cat’s life, triggering illnesses ranging from mild stomach disorders to fatal conditions. Some of these illnesses can be caused because of your cat’s self-grooming habits, due to which they ingest very tiny amounts of the product. Others can be triggered when your cat inhales the compounds, particularly, degreasing products like bleaches and oven cleaners. This can prove harmful to cat’s health. In case your cat has been affected by any of these, here are some common symptoms that you should look out for. Always rush to a vet when you notice any of the following symptoms: Red and raw skin, or skin breaking into blisters Pain Pawing at mouth Severe drooling Loss of appetite Unusual tiredness Pawing at the eyes Fever 1. Chemicals to avoid Three chemicals that must not be present in home cleaning products for cat owners are mentioned below. Ammonia It is usually shown as ammonium hydroxide in most product labels.
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Dogs with Food Allergies: The Signs and Symptoms

Dogs with Food Allergies: The Signs and Symptoms

Just like humans, even dogs suffer from food allergies. An allergy is the body’s misguided reaction to a foreign substance by the immune system. Common allergies for dogs include skin, food, and environmental allergies, all of which pose challenges for dogs and their health. Allergy symptoms in dogs include itchy skin, coughing, sneezing, wheezing, discharge coming from the eyes or nose, vomiting, and diarrhea. To treat food allergies in dogs, it is important to know their signs and symptoms. 1. Food allergies Certain foods can cause allergies in dogs, leading to different symptoms. A food allergy generally occurs when the body’s immune system perceives a certain food type to be harmful. When this happens, the body reacts strongly and releases antibodies. This leads to symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, discharge from the nose, and coughing. Although these cause severe discomfort in dogs, unlike humans, they cannot express themselves. It is advisable and essential for individuals with pets to know the signs and symptoms of food allergies so that they can be treated before they aggravate. 2. Factors causing allergies Allergies do not happen immediately but develop over a long period of time gradually. The first time the food is consumed, the body reacts mildly.
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Diet Plan for Cats with Diabetes

Diet Plan for Cats with Diabetes

Just like with their human caretakers, cats are developing diabetes mellitus at an alarming rate. Diabetes refers to the body’s inability to produce enough insulin to balance blood sugar levels. When left untreated, the condition can lead to dehydration, weight loss, vomiting, loss of appetite, depression, motor function difficulties, coma, and death. The main symptoms found in cats include increased thirst and urination. The condition is most often found in obese cats. If your feline has diabetes, consider the following diet plan to manage their diabetes: 1. The importance of a diet Diet plays a major role in the treatment of feline diabetes. The diet should not increase blood sugar levels and should provide all the nutrients needed by your cat. A well-planned diet can not just reduce blood sugar levels but also improve immunity, helping the body manage diabetes better. 2. High-protein low-carb diet The ideal diet for a cat with diabetes is one that is high in protein content and low in carbohydrates. Carbohydrates should not exceed 10% of the calorie intake of your cat if it has diabetes. Of the remaining 90% of calorie intake, 50% can come from protein and 40% from fat. Dry food has more carbohydrates.
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Tips to Train Cats Using Healthy Treats

Tips to Train Cats Using Healthy Treats

Dogs are known to do just about anything to get a treat, while their feline counterparts will simply act aloof to their owner’s requests. Still, just because they won’t “sit” or “stay” doesn’t mean that they don’t deserve the occasional treat. Many kitty caretakers are avoiding giving their felines processed treats and instead are opting for healthier options. Still, it’s best to know which foods are healthy for cats and which ones to avoid. The following tips and tricks for treating your cat the healthy way include: 1. Treating your cat Healthy cat treats, along with regular food, can ensure that your cat gets a nutritious diet that takes care of its health needs. Treats are also a great way for pet owners to pamper their cats and keep them happy. While planning treats for your cat, make sure they are healthy and do not lead to obesity. Studies show that almost 57% of pet cats are obese because of over pampering by owners. It is important to give healthy treats for your kitten to prevent weight gain. Also, treats should never be more than 10% of the overall calories your pet gets. It ensures your cat gets a balanced diet.
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5 Healthy Dog Food Recipes to Make at Home

5 Healthy Dog Food Recipes to Make at Home

As a loving dog owner, we do our best to give our pups the best lives we possibly can. From ensuring they’re active with exercise to feeding them healthy foods, we are willing to go the extra mile to make sure they live a long life. It’s why more and more dog caretakers are making their own food at home rather than gambling with processed store-bought foods. If you want to try making your own dog food in your own kitchen, try starting with the following recipes: 1. Turkey with veggies An ideal recipe for healthy dog food should have all the nutrients needed. It can be provided by the right combination of meat, vegetables, fruit, fat, and supplements. You can make a healthy meal for your dog by using ground turkey cooked with olive oil. To make this recipe, boil any whole grain (millet/quinoa/brown rice) until it is soft. Shred carrots, zucchini, squash, and apple. Mix ground turkey, boiled whole grain, and shredded vegetables. To this, add half a cup of pumpkin puree. Next, add a spoonful of calcium powder and a quarter cup of organic coconut oil. Mix them all together to create a delicious meal for your pet.
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Natural Flea Prevention for Dogs

Natural Flea Prevention for Dogs

The most dreadful pests that a dog owner can encounter is the flea. These tiny brown scourge are most prominent in the summer months and enjoy humid temperatures. Fleas have strong back legs, enabling them to jump to different hosts and cause unbearable itching. If not treated quickly, it can lead to serious health problems for your pet as they can disseminate diseases and tapeworms to pets. These natural flea prevention methods for dogs have proven effective in preventing your dogs from being host to a flea epidemic: 1. Natural flea collar One of the most effective natural flea prevention methods is a flea collar. Since commercially-available products have chemicals that can cause side effects, you can make a natural flea collar at home for your dog. To make this, buy a regular pet collar made of cotton or nylon. Make a mixture using a spoon of unflavored vodka, garlic oil extracted from a capsule, and one drop each of rosemary essential oil and thyme essential oil. Pour this mixture on the collar and allow it to dry. This collar can be effective in keeping fleas off, and for effective results, apply this mixture every week. 2. Brewer’s yeast It is a supplement that can be helpful in preventing fleas from attacking your dog.
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Understanding How Pet Insurance Works

Understanding How Pet Insurance Works

Pet insurance covers veterinary expenses for your pets and helps save money on expensive treatments. It helps you to save on the money you spend when your pet falls ill or suffers from an accident. Pet insurance is especially useful as your pet grows old and is at risk of facing illnesses. In case your pet faces a major illness, like cancer, the costs can be very expensive. This is where pet insurance can be beneficial, allowing you to save a lot of money. There are different types of insurance plans available, and you can choose the one that meets your needs best. 1. Coverage and exclusion Pet insurance covers the following: Accidents Illness Surgeries Hospitalization expenses Chronic conditions Annual checkups, including tests Vaccinations Medications for flea or worm prevention Even the treatment of hereditary conditions is covered by some policies Most pet insurance policies tend to exclude the following: Pre-existing conditions Grooming procedures Behavioral issues Pregnancy Diet and related treatments Hip dysplasia (in dogs) Dental disease (some policies may, however, cover this) 2. Waiting period It is the period from the date you take the policy until the coverage starts. On average, waiting periods can be 48 hours for accidents and 14 days to 1 year for illnesses.
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8 Things to do to Protect Pets from Rabies

8 Things to do to Protect Pets from Rabies

There are many things that you can easily do to protect your pet from rabies. You must make it a point to visit the vet regularly. Also, keep up-to-date with vaccines. Rabies is an incurable and deadly viral disease affecting the human or pet’s central nervous system and brain. Rabies virus spreads through the saliva of infected animals. So, the transmission is possible only through bites and scratches. The incubation period may vary from one patient to another, but it typically 3-8 weeks. This duration will depend on factors like the location of the wound, its severity, and the animal’s immune system. The farther it is away from the brain, the greater the incubation period. It is essential that you know the best ways to protect your pet from rabies. Early signs of rabies include behavioral changes, where the animal becomes more anxious and aggressive. As the disease progresses, they become sensitive to sound and light and are prone to seizures. In the end stage, the nerves in the throat and head become paralyzed, making it impossible for the animal to swallow. Next, there is a respiratory failure, followed by death. Protecting your pet from rabies includes the following tips and tricks:
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Tips to Save Money While Buying Pet Medication Online

Tips to Save Money While Buying Pet Medication Online

The costs of pet treatments have been on the rise since 2017. Vet care made as much as $16.62 billion, while over-the-counter drugs racked up almost $14.93 billion. These costs for pet owners include surgeries, routine health check-ups, costs for supplements and vitamins, etc. With the gradual rise in prices of pet medicines, the drug market is also growing dramatically. Buying medicines for your pets each month can be quite a costly affair. A lot of pet owners struggle to pay for medicines to keep their furry companions fit and healthy and often have to forego things they need for themselves. Buying the medicines at the animal clinic is mostly very expensive as vets have high mark-ups on dog-medications sales. In rare cases, the vets themselves sell pet medications at a subsidized rate, but for those who do not have the option of getting medicines directly from them, buying medicines online is an option. Plus, there are many tips for buying pet medications online that help you save money. Useful tips to buy pet medications online and save money include the following: 1. Ask for a prescription (to take elsewhere) To begin with, the easiest way to get pet medications for cheap is to find a veterinarian who is willing to write a prescription, allowing you to buy medicines elsewhere if you so wish.
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Toxic Houseplants for Cats: How it Affects Them and What to do

Toxic Houseplants for Cats: How it Affects Them and What to do

A home that is decorated with greenery is super trendy, but have the potential for danger when you live with a cat. It’s difficult to keep them away from plants because their natural instinct is to sniff and taste them. There are many popular houseplants that are toxic for cats and can make them seriously ill. As kitty caretakers, it is our responsibility to ensure that our pets are safe and healthy. Before you bring in a new houseplant to your home, consider the potential effects and what to do in case of emergency: 1. Toxic plants Many of the common houseplants can be lethal, especially for cats. The toxic houseplants for cats can cause poisoning and other reactions that can have an effect on your cat’s health. If not treated, this could even be deadly for your cat. Kittens, in particular, are more vulnerable. As a cat owner, you must be cognizant of the houseplants that are not suited to be kept around your pet. However, it is possible that your cat may be exposed to these plants outside. In such cases, it is advisable to be aware of the symptoms of a toxic attack. If you notice any signs, you need to take your cat to the vet immediately as any delay can lead to organ failure and even death.
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