Why Self Driving Technology is the Future

Why Self Driving Technology is the Future

A self-driving vehicle is a car that can drive itself from one point to a predetermined destination using various technologies. These technologies include adaptive cruise control, GPS navigation tech, active steering, anti-lock braking system, lasers, radars, and sensors. These technologies allow the vehicle to sense its environment and move with no human intervention. Self-driving cars will no doubt change the future of vehicle manufacturing, driving, and our commuting infrastructure due to the following benefits:

1. Less carbon emissions – Emissions can be reduced by up to 60%

With the lurking threats of climate change, it is important more than ever to find sustainable solutions. Autonomous vehicles can help reduce traffic congestion and in turn emissions are reduced. Demand for electric vehicles will most likely increase with automation. Emissions from fuel-based vehicles will be reduced with more electric vehicles on the road. Automated vehicles will make car sharing more convenient. Through car sharing, battery costs can also be shared.

2. Reduced road congestion – Self-driving technology could eliminate congestion

The primary cause of congestion is the lack of spacing between cars on a freeway. Exiting or entering the freeway is difficult when vehicles are so tightly packed together. Fully automated vehicles could reduce congestion as they can be programmed to maintain adequate and consistent space between vehicles. Congestion is also caused by road accidents. Most accidents are caused by human errors. Self-driving cars can drastically reduce car crashes and increase road safety. In turn, road congestion caused by crashes can be eliminated.

3. More personal freedom – Automated vehicles offer greater independence

Self-driving cars can ease transportation for the blind, senior drivers, and people with mobility challenges. There is more personal freedom for disabled as automated vehicles can help them be self-sufficient. Visually-impaired people can get to work just as easily as sighted people and this can increase their productivity. Automated vehicles can be programmed to pick up people, drop them at their destinations and find parking.

4. Automated driving saves money, insurance, and collisions

Car crashes come with a lot of costs. As mentioned earlier, fully automatic vehicles can reduce car crashes by reducing human errors that cause them. Medical bills and the cost of repair associated with accidents can be reduced with self-driving cars. The cost of insurance can also be reduced with self-driving vehicles. Insurance premiums increase when you’re involved in a crash. With the likelihood of crashes greatly reduced, you can save on the cost of insurance.

5. Allows for more productivity – Drivers can recapture their time

Self-driving vehicles free one from managing the progress of the car. Autonomous vehicles allow the convenience of dropping you off at your destination. During the ride, you can catch up on your work or entertain yourself some other way. We spend a good amount of time getting from one place to another. Autonomous vehicles allow you to utilize this time to get work done.