Traditional Hair Removal Techniques for Men

Traditional Hair Removal Techniques for Men

Men are pampering themselves more than ever, and many have taken notice of what beauty trends can for them. More men are even experimenting with common hair removal techniques that women have been using for decades, like waxing. Each hair removal technique comes with its own lengthy list of pros and cons, and men are happy to have more choice. While men shave regularly to remove hair growth on the chin and cheeks, some men decide to remove hair on the body as well.

Of the trendy hair removal techniques for men, The following are the tried and true methods:

1. Shaving

Shaving is without a doubt the most popular hair removal techniques for men. It involves removing the hair with the help of a razor blade or an electric shaver.

Let’s look at some common issues involved in shaving to understand whether this technique is useful or not.

  • Shaving is the fastest way of removing hair.
  • To get the best result, wet the area with warm water before lathering.
  • Use a quality shaving gel or cream and lather well using a shaving brush. Change the shaving brush frequently, or else lathering won’t be effective. Shaving works best when sufficient lather is applied.
  • You can use the razor of your convenience to shave, however, make sure you change the razor blade regularly.
  • Always shave in the direction of hair growth, this helps to remove hair smoothly. Never shave against the hair growth.
  • Shaving does not remove the hair permanently, it only trims it, and the hair will grow back.
  • Shave in the shower. It is not only less messy but also allows easy shaving as the skin is soft.
  • You can use a device like a body hair trimmer instead of a razor to create a better appearance after shaving.
  • The problem with shaving is stubble and ingrown hair. Exfoliating skin can help in preventing ingrown hair.
  • The biggest risk of shaving is nicks and cuts. Be careful while shaving near intimate areas to avoid injuries.
  • You can also use an aftershave cream to soothe the skin.

2. Waxing

This hair removal technique for men makes use of hot wax that pulls out the hair from the follicle. It ensures a better result when compared to shaving, as there would be no stubble. However, it can be painful, and it is not a permanent process of hair removal.

Following are key issues related to waxing that you should keep in mind:

  • Always get a professional to do the waxing the first time. Once you have undergone waxing and understood how it works, you can consider using a home waxing kit to do it yourself.
  • Warm wax needs to be spread in the direction of hair growth, not against it. A cloth or waxing strip is pressed on to the skin and ripped forcibly along with the hair.
  • Since the follicle is removed along with the hair strand, it takes a minimum of 10 to 15 days for new hair to grow. Therefore, this method is more convenient as it does not leave behind a stubble and leads to smoother skin.
  • The problem with waxing is the pain involved. It is something that cannot be avoided. Getting waxing done by a professional is less painful than doing it by yourself.
  • Use a cold compress to get relief from irritation post-waxing.

Shaving and waxing are the most commonly preferred hair removal techniques for both- men and women. The pros and cons of these techniques are listed in the article to help you decide which of them is suitable for you.