Tips to Train Cats Using Healthy Treats

Tips to Train Cats Using Healthy Treats

Dogs are known to do just about anything to get a treat, while their feline counterparts will simply act aloof to their owner’s requests. Still, just because they won’t “sit” or “stay” doesn’t mean that they don’t deserve the occasional treat. Many kitty caretakers are avoiding giving their felines processed treats and instead are opting for healthier options. Still, it’s best to know which foods are healthy for cats and which ones to avoid.

The following tips and tricks for treating your cat the healthy way include:

1. Treating your cat
Healthy cat treats, along with regular food, can ensure that your cat gets a nutritious diet that takes care of its health needs. Treats are also a great way for pet owners to pamper their cats and keep them happy.

While planning treats for your cat, make sure they are healthy and do not lead to obesity. Studies show that almost 57% of pet cats are obese because of over pampering by owners.

It is important to give healthy treats for your kitten to prevent weight gain. Also, treats should never be more than 10% of the overall calories your pet gets. It ensures your cat gets a balanced diet.

2. Don’t reward begging
Treats should be given at a particular time daily. Don’t give the treat as a reward for begging. One of the mistakes cat owners make is to give treats at the dining table if your pet begs for them. This is not a good habit as it encourages the cat to do it daily and can lead to overfeeding.

3. Use it as a proper reward
If your cat co-operates with you while you trim its claws or brushing its fur, you can reward it with a treat. A treat can be given while giving regular medicines to your cat. It will encourage your cat to cooperate.

4. Avoid certain toxic foods
Foods that humans enjoy like chocolate, grapes, raisins, cheese, garlic, onion, and eggs can be toxic for cats. It is best to ensure your cats don’t have access to these foods.

You must also avoid giving dog food to cats as there are certain foods that might be beneficial for dogs but might prove toxic for cats. Feeding cats with milk is a common practice, but many cats tend to be lactose intolerant and giving milk can make them sick.

5. Salmon and fatty fish
Cats love fish. Fatty fish that is rich in Omega-3 is good for your cat. While planning treats for your cat, you can consider giving salmon. Even though cats prefer raw meat, cooking salmon is advisable to prevent the risk of bacterial infections.

6. Cantaloupe
While cats don’t prefer fruits and vegetables, cantaloupe is a healthy treat for cats as it has beta-carotene and antioxidants that are beneficial for your cat.

7. Dried liver
Proteins are important healthy cat treats to ensure the wellness of your pet, and dried liver can be a good source of it. You can include it as a treat, but ensure it is given in moderation.

The healthy cat treats ideas and tips listed in this article are useful for cat owners who want to provide nutritious treats for their pets. You can implement these ideas while deciding on the treats to offer your pet cat.