Tips to Save Money While Buying Pet Medication Online

Tips to Save Money While Buying Pet Medication Online

The costs of pet treatments have been on the rise since 2017. Vet care made as much as $16.62 billion, while over-the-counter drugs racked up almost $14.93 billion. These costs for pet owners include surgeries, routine health check-ups, costs for supplements and vitamins, etc. With the gradual rise in prices of pet medicines, the drug market is also growing dramatically.

Buying medicines for your pets each month can be quite a costly affair. A lot of pet owners struggle to pay for medicines to keep their furry companions fit and healthy and often have to forego things they need for themselves. Buying the medicines at the animal clinic is mostly very expensive as vets have high mark-ups on dog-medications sales. In rare cases, the vets themselves sell pet medications at a subsidized rate, but for those who do not have the option of getting medicines directly from them, buying medicines online is an option. Plus, there are many tips for buying pet medications online that help you save money.

Useful tips to buy pet medications online and save money include the following:

1. Ask for a prescription (to take elsewhere)

To begin with, the easiest way to get pet medications for cheap is to find a veterinarian who is willing to write a prescription, allowing you to buy medicines elsewhere if you so wish. When you cannot get your vet to do this for you, it is best to switch to another doctor.

If your pet requires medicines for a long-term chronic illness or preventive care, it is best to request for prescriptions that you can fill at cheaper outlets. Sometimes, a good vet may even tell you where to get medications for cheap.

2. Ask for an alternative

You can ask the vet if there is a less-costly, human-medicine equivalent. You may visit pharmacy websites or call local drugstores for the medicines and compare the prices. Always remember to look for discount codes and drug card programs that many retailers and websites like AAA or AARP offer. Many such programs are known to cover human and veterinary medications.

3. Shop with an accredited company

When you purchase pet medications online, you should order from the sites belonging to Vet-VIPPS accredited companies. These websites comply with state and federal licensing criteria and quality standards. So, the best way to get medicines for your pet without spending a fortune is to find legitimate sources that sell them.

Pet owners who are buying pet medicines online for the first time may have reservations about their safety. They may think that such medicines are not as safe as those sold by a vet clinic. But the truth is, that as long as you choose a legitimate online pet pharmacy, you can be sure the medications are safe and exactly the same as you get in a clinic.