Natural Skin Care Tips for all Skin Types

Natural Skin Care Tips for all Skin Types

A standard skin care tip does not work for everyone as everyone has different types of skin. It is important to know your skin type before understanding how to take care of it. The natural skin care tips mentioned here are helpful for all types of skin. Regardless of whether your skin is oily, dry, or sensitive, these tips can help you maintain optimal skin health and enhance its natural beauty:

1. Taking care of oily skin
Oily skin is because of the glands secreting too much oil. It is important to understand the cause of oily skin, which could be a bad diet or environment, and address it. The following natural skin care tips can be followed by those who have oily skin:

  • Dab the face with cotton balls dipped in milk to cleanse oily skin naturally.
  • Rub tomato slices on the skin to help tone oily skin, and use slices of a cold apple to reduce oily complexion on the forehead.
  • Drink natural fruit juices like that of papaya and citrus.
  • Use a natural soap as it does not dry your skin.

2. Managing dry skin
People with dry skin have sebaceous glands that do not produce sufficient oil, which can lead to dry skin that also becomes itchy. The given tips can help in natural care of dry skin:

  • Keep a bowl of water in front of room heaters during winter to avoid dry skin.
  • Mix vegetable glycerin with water and spray it on your face to keep the skin moist.
  • Use a face pack made with avocado and mashed mango fruit.
  • Exfoliation of the skin is very important, and finely granulated sugar can be used for this.

3. Managing sensitive skin
Sensitive skin can be dry or oily and is susceptible to irritation and rashes. Allergies to detergents, soaps, and lotions can affect sensitive skin, and these allergens must be avoided. The following natural skin care tips are for sensitive skin:

  • Add foods rich in antioxidants like fresh vegetables and fruits to your diet.
  • Prepare a face mask using avocado and honey to help manage sensitive skin.
  • Exfoliation should be avoided more than thrice a week.
  • Ensure good sleep and drink plenty of fluids to help manage sensitive skin naturally.

4. Managing combination skin
Combination skin is a mix of oily and dry skin. Usually, the forehead, nose, and chin are oily, while the rest of the skin is dry or normal. Combination skin needs careful treatment as both the oily and the dry parts of the skin need to be handled separately.

  • Replace soaps with a natural cleanser like honey.
  • Toning is important, and a natural toner like rose water is preferable.
  • Natural moisturizing products like glycerin mixed with distilled water can be helpful.
  • Avoid touching the face frequently to prevent transferring grime from your hand.
  • Exfoliation of the skin should only once or twice a week.