Natural Foods and Supplements for Prostate Cancer

Natural Foods and Supplements for Prostate Cancer

To prevent and inhibit prostate cancer, you will need to make many lifestyle changes. There are many nutrients that are seen to be very effective in protecting the body against prostate cancer, and also in inhibiting its progression. The following home remedies for prostate cancer are natural foods that you can easily incorporate into your everyday diet and supplement program. The following are the home remedies that help in managing prostate cancer:

AHCC (or Active Hexose Correlated Compound) refers to an extract that consists of many species of Basidiomycete mushroom. This supplement is aggressively marketed for cancer patients and was developed in Japan. When used in the early stages of prostate cancer, it was found to be effective.

2. Cayenne pepper
Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, the substance responsible for the hot and spicy taste of this vegetable and known for possessing cancer-killing properties. Recent studies have shown that this element is capable of destroying cancerous cells, and even inhibiting their growth. You can use cayenne powder as a supplement, starting with a small dose and then increasing it slowly.

3. Vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables are the easiest home remedies for prostate cancer. Adding kale, broccoli, or cauliflower to your meals is easy. They contain a phytochemical called DIM that is effective in stopping an enzyme that causes the growth of prostate cancer cells.

4. Curcumin
Curcumin is the bioactive component in turmeric and researched extensively for its anti-cancer properties. It has been successful in fighting prostate cancer by inducing cell death and preventing the spread of cancerous cells. You can add curcumin to the diet when you prepare soups and stews, on grains and vegetables, and also in smoothies.

5. Ginger
Ginger extract is useful for managing prostate cancer and inhibit cancer cell growth.

6. Green tea
Green tea has polyphenols called catechins that are effective for inhibiting prostate cancer cell growth.

7. Pectin
Pectin is a water-soluble complex fiber present in citrus plants. It can attach itself to molecules that are capable of preventing cancerous cells.

8. Omega-3
Omega-3 is present in cold-water fish like herring, salmon, tuna, and sardines and contains fatty acids that are associated with lower risks of prostate cancer. To take full advantage of its cancer-fighting powers, you need to take generous doses of fatty fish each week.

9. Pomegranate

Research shows that this fruit has properties for fighting prostate cancer. It has components called luteolin, ellagic acid, and punicic acid that have the power to inhibit the development and spread of this cancer.

10. Quercetin

Quercetin is present in flowers, vegetables, and fruits and gives them their colors. This is a flavonoid that has anti-inflammatory properties and may be capable of reducing the growth of cancerous cells. It inhibits the growth of oncogenes that usually convert normal cells into the tumor cells.

11. Resveratrol

It is the antioxidant in red grapes and red wine, and it has cancer-fighting properties. It was one of the four key wine polyphenols that could counter prostate cancer cells. It can inhibit cancer cell growth, fight inflammation, protect DNA, and reduce tumor growth.

12. Vitamin D

It is believed to have a direct effect on the risks of cancer. Since cancer is triggered by gene mutations, it is important to prevent cell damage at all costs. Men with high vitamin D levels have lower risks of prostate cancer. You can get vitamin D from exposure to the sun and through vitamin D supplements.