Natural Flea Prevention for Dogs

Natural Flea Prevention for Dogs

The most dreadful pests that a dog owner can encounter is the flea. These tiny brown scourge are most prominent in the summer months and enjoy humid temperatures. Fleas have strong back legs, enabling them to jump to different hosts and cause unbearable itching. If not treated quickly, it can lead to serious health problems for your pet as they can disseminate diseases and tapeworms to pets.

These natural flea prevention methods for dogs have proven effective in preventing your dogs from being host to a flea epidemic:

1. Natural flea collar
One of the most effective natural flea prevention methods is a flea collar. Since commercially-available products have chemicals that can cause side effects, you can make a natural flea collar at home for your dog. To make this, buy a regular pet collar made of cotton or nylon. Make a mixture using a spoon of unflavored vodka, garlic oil extracted from a capsule, and one drop each of rosemary essential oil and thyme essential oil. Pour this mixture on the collar and allow it to dry. This collar can be effective in keeping fleas off, and for effective results, apply this mixture every week.

2. Brewer’s yeast
It is a supplement that can be helpful in preventing fleas from attacking your dog. You can mix 1 teaspoon of brewer’s yeast per 30 pounds of dog food.

3. Vinegar
Fleas hate the smell of vinegar and acetic acid repels them. You can add some apple cider vinegar to the drinking water bowl of your dog. Use half a spoon for small dogs and one spoon for large dogs. You can also use vinegar to make a flea prevention spray. Take a spray bottle and add vinegar and water in equal proportions. Mix well and spray it on your dog. Do this outside so that the spray can dry in the sun.

4. Cedar oil
It has been found that the oil of the cedar tree is toxic for fleas. The essential oil of cedar can be spritzed on our dog, and you can also use it on your pet’s bedding to kill fleas.

5. Garlic
Adding garlic to food is a good way to repel fleas as they are repulsed by the smell. Two cloves of garlic can be added to your dog’s food, and since garlic is an antibacterial, it is not just an effective flea-prevention remedy, it is also beneficial for your dog’s overall health.

6. Natural sunlight
Let your dog spend more time in open areas exposed to sunlight as fleas don’t like being exposed to the direct light of the sun. It is a good way of preventing fleas from nesting on your dog.

7. Azadirachta indica
Unlike other oils, this is actually a vegetable oil made from the fruit of Azadirachta indica tree, commonly known as neem. You can make a spray mixing one part neem oil with ten parts water and applying it on your dog.