How to Keep Cats Safe and Healthy

How to Keep Cats Safe and Healthy

When it comes to cleaning products for cat owners, veterinarians provide certain warnings that you must pay heed to. Vets feel that most pet owners are not aware of how toxic everyday household items can be for their pet cats. It is a fact that several regular products can wreak havoc on your cat’s life, triggering illnesses ranging from mild stomach disorders to fatal conditions.

Some of these illnesses can be caused because of your cat’s self-grooming habits, due to which they ingest very tiny amounts of the product. Others can be triggered when your cat inhales the compounds, particularly, degreasing products like bleaches and oven cleaners. This can prove harmful to cat’s health. In case your cat has been affected by any of these, here are some common symptoms that you should look out for.

Always rush to a vet when you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • Red and raw skin, or skin breaking into blisters
  • Pain
  • Pawing at mouth
  • Severe drooling
  • Loss of appetite
  • Unusual tiredness
  • Pawing at the eyes
  • Fever

1. Chemicals to avoid

Three chemicals that must not be present in home cleaning products for cat owners are mentioned below.

  • Ammonia

It is usually shown as ammonium hydroxide in most product labels. This substance can lead to major problems for your pet like skin ailments, stomach disorders, or a bad eye. If the pet consumes or inhales a substantial amount of ammonia, it may even result in death. Excess amounts may cause diarrhea and make your pet wheezy as the fumes are hard to handle by their tiny respiratory systems.

  • Chlorine

Chlorine or bleach can be worse when it comes to its side-effects on your pet cat. It is an alkaline compound that is even thicker than air. So, its fumes will choke your pet and prove to be toxic for them.

  • Formaldehyde

It is bad for both humans and cats and is usually a compound present in several cleaning products. Formaldehyde leads to many side-effects like irritation of the throat lining and mouth. Also, it contains carcinogens.

2. DIY home cleaning products for cat owners

A part of making your home pet-friendly is to invest in household cleaners that are safe for them. The basic difference between do-it-yourself products and standard cleaners is that the former is time-consuming. Also, you may need to leave them overnight for them to be effective. But, these will be completely harmless for your pets, kids, and anyone prone to allergies. The most commonly used products are baking soda and vinegar. Besides, you will find many ingredients to create DIY cleaning products that are safe for cats.

Furthermore, it is best to create DIY cleaners that do not contain any essential oil. Else, you will need to rinse the surfaces thoroughly before your cat makes contact with them. Some of the regular products that you can use to make DIY home-cleaning products are dish soap, distilled water, baking soda, grapefruit essential oil, tea tree oil, lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide, cream of tartar, eucalyptus oil, castile soap, and white vinegar.