Fruit and Vegetable Snacks for Gout

Fruit and Vegetable Snacks for Gout

You must have heard about the benefits of following a low-purine diet if you suffer from gout, and you might have also heard about the importance of fruits and vegetables when it comes to gout. Which fruits and vegetables are safe to eat and which ones have low purine content is important to know. The following guide will throw some light on which fruits and vegetables are healthy snacks for gout and help manage the symptoms:

1. Fruits for gout
Fruits are one of the best types of healthy snacks for gout. However, all fruits are not created equal, so your focus should be on eating fruits that have high fiber content, like:

  • Bananas, which are low in purine and high in fiber.
  • Plums, and pears with their peels.
  • Also, include fruits like grapes and raspberries in your diet as they are rich sources of flavonoids, which can help lessen the discomfort you feel due to gout.
  • Some of the best choices of fruits with low purine levels are apples, kiwifruit, grapes, and oranges.
  • Dates also have low purine content (less than 50 milligrams of uric acid per 100 grams) making them good snack options.
  • Avoid or limit consuming dry fruits because they are usually high in purine.

2. Vegetables for gout
The key to having vegetables as healthy snacks for gout is to choose ones that are low in purine. Some examples of vegetables that have low purine content (50 milligrams or less of uric acid per 100 grams) are:

  • Potatoes
  • Cucumbers
  • Lettuce
  • Beetroot
  • Prepare a salad for a snack in the evenings or whenever you feel hungry.
    High fiber snack options like raw carrots which are also high in antioxidants.
  • Note that you should have lentils, asparagus, and dried peas only occasionally (2 servings per week, max) if you are suffering from gout.

When it comes to gout, many think that everything under the category of fruits and vegetables is great to help cope with flare-ups, but it is not safe to assume this. While most fruits and vegetables are safe and can be considered healthy snacks for gout, it is not true for all of them. Speaking to your doctor before you make a definite diet and snack plan is essential so that you only eat fruits and vegetables that help alleviate the symptoms. Keeping a log of what you eat is a good idea as well.