Foods to Avoid with Schizophrenia

Foods to Avoid with Schizophrenia

Diet plays an important role in the treatment of schizophrenia. There are certain foods for schizophrenia that can aggravate the symptoms of the disease and others that might help those affected by the condition. Foods that worsen the symptoms of this disease should be avoided at all costs. The following foods could cause problems for those suffering from schizophrenia and need to be avoided to prevent worsening of the symptoms.

However, it is important to note that these foods may not lead to the same effects for everyone. It is important to know which ones out of these cause problems so that their consumption can be moderated or they can be completely avoided:

1. Gluten
Many people who suffer from schizophrenia are intolerant to gluten. They may be allergic to gluten and consuming food with gluten can cause allergies, so it is best to avoid bread, wheat, rye, and all the foods with gluten.

2. Sugar
Sugar can cause problems for those with schizophrenia, whether it is added to food or is consumed in the form of sugary foods and drinks, so avoiding sugar is advisable. Pastries, beverages containing sugar, candies, and other such food items should be avoided.

3. Artificial sweeteners
Those losing weight may prefer to use artificial sweeteners to avoid sugar, but artificial sweeteners can cause depression, which has been proven by studies, so they should be avoided.

4. Processed foods
Processed foods with refined flour or fried foods should be avoided. Potato chips and finger fries are foods liked by everyone, but they can cause a dietary imbalance and aggravate the symptoms of schizophrenia.

5. Pasta
It has been found that some people suffering from this condition cannot tolerate pasta because of the gluten as well as the carbohydrate content. This trigger food for schizophrenia should be avoided as it can aggravate the symptoms.

6. Stimulants
A stimulant like caffeine, which is found in tea and coffee, can trigger symptoms like irritation and cause a rapid change in mood. Alcohol is another stimulant that can worsen the symptoms, so it must be avoided, along with nicotine.

7. Milk
Some people suffering from schizophrenia are allergic to milk. All dairy products can cause allergies for those who are lactose intolerant and can aggravate the symptoms of schizophrenia. If any dairy products like milk, yogurt, or cheese are trigger foods for schizophrenia, it is advisable to avoid them.

8. Eggs
While the health benefits of eggs are well-known, some people are allergic to them. They can trigger the symptoms for some people, so they should be left off the diet.

9. Soya
Some people affected by schizophrenia are allergic to soy, in which case all food containing soy, including soy milk and tofu, should be avoided.

10. Dried fruits
While fresh fruits must be part of the diet for schizophrenics, dried fruits should be avoided as they contain more than 80% sugar.