Foods that Help Soothe Ulcerative Colitis

Foods that Help Soothe Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative Colitis is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that can affect people of all ages, and the severity of this health condition may range from mild to severe. It is an autoimmune disease that affects the large intestine and also affects the rectum in 95% of cases. While the seriousness of the flare-up may vary from person to person, its frequency can take a serious toll on a person’s quality of life.

In general, flare-ups result in a host of symptoms like abdominal pain or discomfort, frequent diarrhea, blood in the stool, and rectal pain, and managing the flare-ups can be extremely challenging. Studies have found that the lifestyle and eating habits of a person may exacerbate the condition, but healthy dietary and lifestyle choices can also help get relief from the associated symptoms. To minimize flare-ups, patients should follow the diet tips for ulcerative colitis included in this article.

The following is a list of some foods that can help soothe the digestive system and relieve the symptoms, helping patients cope with the frequency and severity of flare-ups:

1. Fermented foods
Fermented foods and drinks are great sources of probiotics, which are live bacteria that improve gut health and provide effective relief from flare-ups. The presence of probiotics in fermented foods enables them to soothe discomfort and reduce the intensity of symptoms like diarrhea. Yogurt and kimchi are some of the recommended fermented foods that can help patients to cope with the troubling symptoms.

2. Fatty fish and omega-3 rich foods
The high content of omega-3 fatty acids in oily fish makes them some of the most effective foods for soothing ulcerative colitis flare-ups. One of the troubling signs of the condition is inflammation, which can cause a great deal of pain and discomfort. However, the consumption of oily fish can lead to a significant reduction in the inflammation associated with this chronic disease.

3. Lean meats
Lean meats are powerhouses of protein, a nutrient that works wondrously on the symptoms of ulcerative colitis. Research has established that the consumption of lean meats is one of the best diet tips for ulcerative colitis patients experiencing flare-ups. Meanwhile, fatty meats are cited as trigger foods for this chronic condition, so it is wise to stay away from those and include lean meats like chicken, fish, and lobster in the diet instead.

4. Avocado
When following an ulcerative colitis-friendly diet, a helpful tip is to include food items like avocados in it. The high nutritional value of avocados makes them some of the healthiest choices to relieve flare-ups by reducing inflammation. Increasing the consumption of avocados can help lower the risk of a flare-up and reduce the associated abdominal pain and discomfort as well.

Following these diet tips for ulcerative colitis is a tried-and-tested way to cope with the discomforting flare-ups and reduce their frequency.