Effective Lifestyle Changes for Bipolar Disorder

Effective Lifestyle Changes for Bipolar Disorder

If one is suffering from bipolar disorder, they’re likely to experience frequent shifts in energy levels, mood, and levels of activity. While medications can definitely help manage the symptoms, some of these may even have profound side-effects. This is why natural remedies, such as making certain changes to the diet, are sometimes preferred, and knowing the right foods for bipolar disorder can help in this regard.

Effective lifestyle changes for bipolar disorder include:

1. Quality sleep

One of the most important factors that influence this condition is sleep or the lack of it. When a person with bipolar disorder doesn’t get adequate sleep or rest, it may be very harmful. During periods of depression, the person may sleep for hours on end, while during periods of mania, he may not be able to sleep at all. When one is sleep-deprived, it’s bound to affect their mood. For this reason, it’s necessary to maintain a fixed bedtime routine, avoid unnecessary distractions before sleeping, avoid eating a heavy meal just before going to bed, and cut down on alcohol intake.

2. Healthy diet

Another significant factor that can influence this condition greatly is the diet one follows. ONe has to know which are the must-have foods for bipolar disorder. Moreover, one will also need to know which are the foods that can help prevent bipolar disorder. According to a study conducted in 2011, almost 68% of people looking to getting treated for bipolar disorder were found to be obese. When one follows a good and healthy diet, health risks like diabetes and cardiovascular ailments are minimized. People with bipolar disorder tend to binge more than others and this accounts for the excess weight. This tendency may be the side-effects of medicines or because of overeating when they’re going through depression.

3. Limit sweets and carbs

It’s also important to stick to regular eating habits when one is suffering from bipolar disorder. This ensures that one stays healthy and can avoid piling on the extra pounds. It is also assumed that this condition may be triggered because of a chemical imbalance in the brain. The neurotransmitters or chemicals are dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline, and these can interfere with one’s weight. When serotonin levels fall, people may experience hunger cravings, especially for sweet foods and carbs.

4. Exercise

Besides following a well-balanced diet, knowing the possible food triggers for bipolar disorder and sticking to regular mealtimes, one should also exercise on a regular basis. Moderate workouts will help to keep mood swings in check and will also keep many other diseases at bay. Working out releases good chemicals in the body that can lift up one’s mood when one is feeling low.

5. Moderate alcohol

When one is suffering from bipolar disorder, one will have to master the art of moderation. People suffering from this condition are likely to be at risk of engaging in addictive behaviors. Studies show that nearly 56% of patients have developed an addiction to alcohol. So, one will need to know what the triggers for risky behaviors are and seek solutions beforehand. One can ask for support from friends and family members if they realize that they are showing signs of addictive or destructive behavior.

6. Checking in with a healthcare professional

Counseling and cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT can also help people with bipolar disorder. These make it easier for patients to manage their symptoms. CBT allows one to identify the destructive habits and rectify them efficiently. Going to a psychiatrist specializing in this condition can also help; one will be able to get valuable guidance on how best to manage the condition.