Common Trigger Foods for GERD

Common Trigger Foods for GERD

GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease is an exceedingly common condition that causes a great deal of discomfort and irritation. In this condition, the stomach acid flows to the food pipe (esophagus) and causes heartburn. Diet and nutrition play a crucial role in the development of GERD, also popularly referred to as acid reflux. Here is a list of common trigger foods for GERD that you should stay away from to prevent an acid reflux episode:

1. Coffee and tea

Coffee and tea are the two most widely consumed beverages all over the world. However, they are also cited as the trigger foods for conditions such as GERD. The high content of caffeine in these beverages makes them options that aren’t ideal for those suffering from this condition. The consumption of tea or coffee causes acid reflux and heartburn as they exacerbate the symptoms. Experts always recommend cutting down their consumption for preventing acid reflux from worsening.

2. Alcohol

There is no denying that regular alcohol consumption can increase the risk of developing a life-threatening disease such as esophageal cancer. In the short term, it can trigger GERD symptoms. Consuming alcohol may cause stomach acid to irritate the tissues in the esophagus and avoiding or reducing its consumption is an effective way to stop GERD symptoms from worsening.

3. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits are highly acidic. Due to this particular property, these fruits are cited as one of the most common trigger foods for GERD. The high acidic content in these fruits adversely affect the stomach’s condition and end up irritating the esophagus. Limit the consumption of citrus fruits and juices to prevent triggering the symptoms.

4. Dairy products

The consumption of dairy products such as sour cream, milk, and cheese can have an adverse effect on the symptoms of GERD. These food items can aggravate acid reflux symptoms such as belching, heartburn, and nausea. Avoiding these common food items is highly recommended for individuals struggling with this condition.

5. Peppermint

As per certain studies, peppermint may trigger GERD symptoms. Individuals who consumed peppermint tea on a daily basis were found to be at a higher risk of experiencing frequent episodes of acid reflux. To prevent GERD symptoms from getting worse, it is imperative to stay away from peppermint. This ensures that there is no irritation in the esophagus.

6. Chocolate

Chocolate is another offending food that GERD patients should stay away from. Replete with caffeine and theobromine, chocolate can cause irritation in the esophagus and worsen the symptoms of the condition. Research has established a strong link between chocolate and acid reflux. Several clinical studies have found that chocolate consumption can lead to a significant rise in the frequency of acid reflux episodes.

7. Fatty foods

These are classic trigger foods for GERD. The consumption of fat-rich foods can put a strain on your digestive system and allow the stomach acid to trigger heartburn. It is, thus, wise to cut down on the consumption of food items that contain fatty ingredients to make sure that the symptoms of GERD are under control.