An Overview of the Mediterranean Diet

An Overview of the Mediterranean Diet

The eating habits of the people living in the countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea have gained popularity among health experts and enthusiasts owing to their health benefits. With foods like fruits, cheese, and wine, the Mediterranean diet plan is a diverse one that not only satisfies the taste buds but also promotes physical and mental health. It is also a wonderful way to lose weight while not compromising on taste or nutrition.

For those planning to jump on the bandwagon of the traditional Mediterranean diet, here’s a brief introduction to the diet. This article talks about the various dietary components of this traditional diet plan and how adopting it can benefit overall health:

1. What is the Mediterranean diet?
It is the traditional diet plan followed by individuals living in countries like Spain, Greece, Italy, and Portugal. This diet includes a higher consumption of food items like seafood, olive oil, fruits, and vegetables, while the consumption of dairy products and wine is moderate. Also, the Mediterranean diet emphasizes the reduced consumption of meat products.

2. Dietary components of the Mediterranean diet
The traditional Mediterranean diet plan encourages the consumption of vegetables like kale, broccoli, artichokes, celery, mushroom, beet, Brussels sprouts, and eggplant as they are storehouses of nutrition and are beneficial for health. Also, these vegetables are essential for effective weight management.

3. Consumable foods

Additionally, olive oil and fruits are also high consumption foods. Olive oil is heart-healthy and helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, while fruits like apples, bananas, grapes, and pomegranates are highly recommended as they are enriched with vitamins and minerals and boost overall health.
The Mediterranean diet recommends a moderate intake of red wine and dairy items like milk and cheese. According to studies, moderate consumption of red wine can effectively reduce the likelihood of developing heart diseases, and dairy products are loaded with calcium, which is essential for maintaining bone health. This diet encourages people to consume dairy products regularly, but the quantity should be moderate as overconsumption may do more harm than good.

4. Health benefits of following the Mediterranean diet
Many studies have been conducted to determine the potential health benefits of following this diet, and it has been found that this diet plan, along with a healthy lifestyle, can help lower the risk of developing heart-related medical conditions. The dietary components of this diet plan are low in fat and help maintain a healthy weight and maintain blood sugar levels. The Mediterranean diet is also linked with lowering the risk of developing chronic health conditions like diabetes. According to a study conducted in 2017, the Mediterranean diet may also help reduce the risk of cancer. Other studies have observed that this diet can improve the brain’s cognitive function. Also, the high consumption of seafood in this diet helps promote mental health.