Alternative Therapies to Curb Migraines

Alternative Therapies to Curb Migraines

One of the most common treatments prescribed by doctors for acute migraines is medication (i.e., triptans, dihydroergotamine (DHE), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), butorphanol nasal spray, and the combination medication of sumatriptan/naproxen and acetaminophen/aspirin/caffeine). While this can provide immediate relief, long-term usage can be risky. Therefore, many patients turn to alternative therapies (i.e., reiki, yoga) or natural remedies (i.e., aromatherapy, supplements) to help soothe and even prevent migraines.

The therapies presented in this article can help provide relief from migraine symptoms:

1. Yoga
Yoga is an Indian, traditional mind-body control system. It involves performing physical exercises or postures that can help to reduce the tension in muscles and regulate blood circulation. It can help prevent migraine attacks. Studies have shown that those practicing Yoga have fewer migraine attacks and lead a better life.

2. Reiki
Reiki is a healing system practiced by those who work on healing energy. It involves various practices that include meditation. While there are no clinical studies to support the effectiveness of Reiki, there are many who have benefited from this alternative therapy.

3. Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a Chinese healing system that believes that the energy flow of the body can be regulated by using needles on various points in the body. This technique, they believe, can cure various diseases. Many people have benefitted from acupuncture and have experienced relief from migraine symptoms.

4. Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy involves the use of essential oils for treating migraines. These scented oils can be applied on the forehead to get relief from symptoms. They can also be inhaled directly or by steam inhalation by adding to boiling water. Peppermint oil and lavender oil can also be used.

5. Biofeedback
It is a therapy that focuses on relaxation of muscles. The treatment involves the use of sensors to target muscles that tighten during a migraine attack, causing headaches. Once such muscles are identified, training is provided on relaxing these muscles. Biofeedback can be an effective natural remedy in managing migraine.

6. Massage
One of the most relaxing ways to get relief from headaches is by getting a massage. It can relax the tension in muscles and help provide relief from stress. It also improves blood circulation and can prevent migraine attacks.

7. Supplements
Migraine can be treated through oral supplements. These supplements have proved to be effective in treating migraine symptoms in many people. Some of the supplements that can be tried out are:

  • Fish oil
  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
  • Magnesium
  • Co-enzyme Q10

8. Herbs
Various herbal remedies are found to be effective in treating migraines. But, some herbs can cause side effects and must be taken with caution. Some of the herbal remedies worth trying are:

  • Butterbur, which is an age-old remedy for treating headaches. Regular consumption of butterbur for 3 months is beneficial.
  • Feverfew is another herb that is believed to prevent migraine attacks.