Alternative Therapies for Atopic Dermatitis

Alternative Therapies for Atopic Dermatitis

Conventional therapies for the treatment of eczema involve the use of corticosteroids and antihistamines. Avoidance of allergy triggers (i.e., certain foods, environmental irritants, etc.) may also be recommended by your doctor. If you are concerned about the side effects of chemicals, when it comes to atopic dermatitis natural treatments (used with doctor supervision) can be helpful. Let’s take a look at various alternative therapies for the treatment of atopic dermatitis:

1. Wet wrap therapy

While for atopic dermatitis natural treatment can be beneficial, alternative therapies like the wet wrap therapy work as well. This therapy has been found by studies to be helpful in reducing the symptoms of atopic dermatitis. This therapy involves using wet wraps on the body. After bathing and applying a moisturizer, gauze or fabric strips dipped in water can be applied on the affected areas. This helps to keep these areas moisturized and prevents them from drying. This wet wrap can be left on the skin for many hours. However, you must be careful as wrap must not be used over steroidal creams.

2. Phototherapy

One of the alternative therapies for the treatment of atopic dermatitis is phototherapy or light therapy. There are two ways this can be done. One is to allow the affected areas to be exposed to natural sunlight. In another method, UV rays are flashed in a controlled manner, on the affected areas.

Phototherapy can help in reducing inflammation. However, exposure to UV rays can increase the risk of skin cancer.

3. Meditation

Meditation can help in treating atopic dermatitis. One of the things that can aggravate the symptoms of eczema is stress. Hence, avoiding stressful situations is needed. If one is suffering from stress, meditation can help in reducing stress.

Meditation, Yoga, and other methods of mindfulness can help you relax. These methods prevent stress and flare-ups of symptoms.

4. Massage

A massage can be helpful in reducing the symptoms of atopic dermatitis. Massages help to keep the skin firm and can reduce inflammation. It can also help to relax the muscles and one’s mind. Massage is a good way of applying moisturizer.

It has been found that a massage is highly effective in treating infants who have atopic dermatitis. It is a gentle way of treating this skin disease.

5. Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a popular Chinese remedy that uses needles to treat diseases. According to this system of treatment, there are many points on the body where needles can be inserted to control the energy flow in the body. Inserting needles in specific points can help in reducing inflammation. Acupuncture believes that removing toxins from the body can help in treating atopic dermatitis.

A treatment similar to acupuncture is acupressure. Instead of inserting needles, the pressure is applied on various points to get desired results. Studies have shown the effectiveness of acupuncture and acupressure in providing relief for those suffering from atopic dermatitis.

6. Hypnosis

One of the alternative therapies that some people have found helpful is hypnosis. This involves making the patient relax and planting suggestions in their mind to help them exercise self-control and avoid scratching and ignoring symptoms.

When it comes to atopic dermatitis, the above mentioned natural treatment and therapies are extremely helpful. The alternative therapies explained in this article can be beneficial for those suffering from atopic dermatitis.