Alternative Hair Removal Techniques for Men

Alternative Hair Removal Techniques for Men

Men grow body hair in plenty of unwanted areas, such as their back, chest, nose, and ears, plus many other areas that can be frustrating to remove. Though some men consider this extravagant growth masculine, others prefer to keep these problem areas smooth and “manscaped”. Traditional razors can be irritating to the skin when performing hair removal, often leading to razor burn, chafing, or bumps that leave the skin irritated and inflamed.

For this reason, many men are turning to alternative methods of getting rid of excess hair:

1. Waxing
Waxing is quickly becoming a trend not only among women, but men as well. For many years women have been using wax as a form of hair removal for the brows, upper lip, and bikini line, while men use waxing for chest and back hair removal. Unlike razors, wax strips help to eliminate hair by pulling from the root instead of cutting hair from the base. By using this method of hair removal, men can expect to see smoother skin that takes longer to regrow. Further, waxing helps men to reduce the body odor that is often gathered from sweat in body hair. As the hair takes longer to resurface, men can also expect to eliminate harsh stubble and instead have softer hair when regrowth does happen.

2. Sugaring
Sugaring chest and back hair is a similar solution to hair removal, but instead of wax strips, e sugar is warmed up with lemon juice and water to create a type of paste. This sugar paste is then smoothes over hairy areas and removed. This method of hair removal dates back to Egyptian times and provides an 100 percent natural way to get rid of unsightly body hair. There are many benefits to sugaring including no risks of razor burn and skin exfoliation.

3. Laser hair removal
Laser hair removal is an additional method in the list for removing hair without a razor. Laser hair removal is performed when a laser targets a hair follicle and sends light through the pigmentation. The hair is then burned off, which may sound painful, but it’s actually not painful at all. One of the best benefits of this process is that the hair is permanently taken out. This eliminates the need for regular visits and upkeep, maintaining silky, soft, hairless skin. However, most individuals will need to undergo roughly eight laser hair removal sessions to an area to see the full results.

4. Hair trimmers
For those who do not feel comfortable with lasers, opting to use hair trimmers for men may be your way to go. While most men may be used to hair clippers for their longer hair, a trimmer is used for areas with finer, shorter hair growth. Trimmers can be wonderful for achieving a neater appearance with a smooth finish. They are especially useful with facial hair that you want to style for a professional look. These handy tools often come with a hypoallergenic blade as well. This means you will have the traditional value of a shaver, but won’t need to worry about razor burn on sensitive skin. A trimmer may be a good solution for men with sensitive skin who want to tidy up their hair line (at the neck and behind the ears) as well.